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Roundtable: Blind spots in Itineraries of Museum Collections

23 September 2022

Signature event LeidenGlobal, International Institute for Asian Studies and Humanities Across Borders:

Blind spots in Itineraries of Museum Collections

Roundtable discussion on the transnational circulation of objects, apart from repositories of national museums and colonial archives.

Friday 23 September 2022 (13:30-17:30)
Register here

During the Roundtable, questions regarding the transnational circulation of objects and other repositories, apart from national museums and colonial archives will be discussed. What role does the notion of origin play? Can memories, souvenirs, family albums, scrap books, letters, (bridal) gifts, ceremonies, stores, designs and private/community collections, provide us with lived histories of displacement and migration? When viewed from a people's perspective, do objects resist their location within nationalist framings? How does awareness of multidimensional narratives help in our understanding of objects?

The roundtable discussion is part of the in-situ Graduate School on Textile and Dyes As Transnational, Global Knowledge by the International Institute for Asian Studies, Humanities Across Borders and LeidenGlobal, especially organised in Leiden for Leiden2022, City of Science.

Moderator: Aarti Kawlra, International Institute for Asian Studies


  • Pieter ter Keurs, professor of Museums Collections and Society, Leiden University and Chair person of LeidenGlobal
  • Annette Schmidt – Curator Africa at the Research Centre for Material Culture, Museum Volkenkunde
  • AJ Salter – Museum assistant at Textile Research Centre Leiden
  • Jos Damen – Head Library department, Africa Studies Centre (TBC)
  • Jody Benjamin, assistant Professor of History, UC Riverside / ISGS Convenor
  • Neelam Raina, associate professor of Design and Development, Middlesex University / ISGS Convenor
  • Pedro Pombo, associated researcher at the centre for research on Slavery and indentured Labour, university of Mauritius / ISGS Convenor


13:30 Opening Speech 

14:00 Roundtable

16:00 Q & A

16:30 Closing Drinks

=> Registration required, via IIAS

The Roundtable is open to the public and free of charge, due to limited availability; please register before 22 September by filling in the registration form here. The Roundtable will take place in Leiden City Centre; registrants will receive more information, including the details of the venue closer to the event date.

Photo credits: Pipit Melinda >>

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