As of today, prof. Pieter ter Keurs is the new chairperson for the LeidenGlobal Executive Board. On July 1st he replaces prof. Gert Oostindie from the Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV), who has been chairperson at the LeidenGlobal Executive Board for the last three years.
Prof. Ter Keurs has been involved with LeidenGlobal since its start, from his position (until 1 September 2019) as the Head of the Department of Collections and Research at the National Museum of Antiquities (Rijksmuseum van Oudheden/RMO). The RMO is one of the LeidenGlobal partners.
As of September 1st, prof. Ter Keurs will assume the position of Scientific Director at the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for Global Heritage and Development as well as that of Professor of Museums, Collections and Society at the Faculties of Humanities and Archaeology at Leiden University.
Every 3 to 4 years LeidenGlobal has a new chairperson for the Executive Board. The chairperson is a representative of one of LeidenGlobals partners: Leiden University, the African Studies Centre, the Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies, the National Museum of Ethnology, the National Museum of Antiquities, the International Institute of Asian Studies, the Roosevelt Institute for American Studies or the Netherlands Institute for the Near East.