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LeidenGlobal Graduate Workshop

29 May 2018

LeidenGlobal Graduate Workshop

Date: May 29th 2018
Location: Matthias de Vrieshof 3, Room 104 'Verbarium' and Museum Volkenkunde
Speaker: Wayne Modest (Volkenkunde/VU)

Prof. dr. Gert Oostindie, director of the KITLV and Professor of Colonial and Postcolonial History (KITLV/UL)
Dr. Fan Lin, University Lecturer in Chinese studies (IIAS/UL)
Dr. Elena Burgos Martinez, Lecturer in International Studies (UL)

In the afternoon of Tuesday 29 May 2018 the LeidenGlobal Graduate Workshop takes place, as part of the Annual LeidenGlobal Event in Leiden. The event consists of a closed session for invited PhD and ResMA students (Graduate Student Workshop), followed by an open plenary session, the LeidenGlobal Keynote Lecture.

The workshop revolves around a theme that matters to research across the Social Sciences and the Humanities, namely ‘Heritage on the Move’. Our keynote speaker is Wayne Modest, Head of the Research Centre for Material Culture of the Tropenmuseum, Museum Volkenkunde and Africa Museum, and Professor of Material Culture and Critical Heritage Studies at the VU University Amsterdam. For further information on Professor Modest, please visit:

Preceding his plenary Keynote Lecture, Wayne Modest will give the kick-off for the Graduate Student Workshop, entitled ‘We Have Always Been Mobile: A Non-Sedentarist Approach to Heritage’. Hereafter the group will be divided and in split sessions the students will discuss the theme and critically analyse several readings (that will be distributed beforehand) guided by a faculty member. The Workshop will conclude with reports on the sessions and a final discussion. We will then move on to the plenary LeidenGlobal Annual Lecture by Professor Modest, entitled ‘On The Move: A Mobilities Approach to Heritage’. All participants are warmly invited for drinks afterwards.


Graduate Workshop: "We Have Always Been Mobile: A Non-Sedentarist Approach to Heritage"
Location: Matthias de Vrieshof 3, Room 104 ‘Verbarium’
13:00 – 13:30: Critical Introduction by Prof. Modest
13:45 – 15:30: Split sessions of ca 7 students and one faculty member
15:45 – 16:30: Session reports + discussion, chaired by Prof. Modest

LeidenGlobal Keynote Lecture
Location: Museum Volkenkunde (Research Center for Material Culture), Steenstraat 1
17:00 – 18:00: Keynote Lecture by Prof. Modest: "On The Move: A Mobilities Approach to Heritage"
18:00 – 19:00: Drinks

Further information on the programme and location will be circulated in early May. Registration is closed. For any questions you can send an email to events@leidenglobal.nl.

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