LeidenGlobal Lecture Series 'Beyond Discipline and Place in the Social Sciences and the Humanities': Developing Our Scholarly Craft
This course is an interdisciplinary series of lectures and seminar discussions open in the fall of each year to PhD candidates and (Research) MA students at Dutch Universities and LeidenGlobal partner institutions.
It offers advanced research students insight into the process of developing the scholarly craft through conversations with experienced scholars working in the Social Sciences and the Humanities (including Archaeology and Law). In sharing their experiences in research, teaching, and public engagement, they will reflect on their socio-political position as researchers in relation to their research, and explore choices of discipline and place along their career path.
Across the semester students will locate their own emerging research projects in relation to disciplinary conventions, with attention to researchers’ positionality and ethical practice. They will work to recognise their strengths and challenges as young scholars, considering how to build on the former and contend with the latter.
Course objectives
The series aims to stimulate conversations and collaborations across disciplinary and societal divides, in line with developments in scholarship worldwide. Ideally, students will participate in this course early on in their scholarly training, but applications by students at all stages of their research careers are welcome.
Registration for PhD Candidates and (Res)MA students in 2024 is closed. Interested students can also attend a few lectures of the series without official registration.
Details regarding the course
- EC: 0 (PhD candidates can receive EC in consultation with their supervisor)
- Language: English
- Instructors: dr. Noa Schonmann
- Time table: Mondays 16:15-17:45, from mid September till mid December 2024 at Lipsius 1.31
Course Structure
All sessions are held Mondays 16:15—17:45 at Lipsius Building
A finalised speaker list will be circulated to registered course participants in the introduction session
More information and details can be found at the Leiden University Studiegids .
For questions and information (or problems with registration) you can contact LeidenGlobal by email: info@leidenglobal.nl